ISAM estimated CO emissions (Gg y-1) from domestic biofuel burning for the year 2000.
From Jain et al. (2006),
Journal of Geophysical Research.

Atul Jain's Research Group


Professor Atul Jain’s research group investigates global climate change through development of the Integrated Science Assessment Model (ISAM). ISAM is a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere-terrestrial biogeochemistry model with current development taking place regarding the interactions between the carbon, nitrogen and hydrological cycles.

ISAM has been used to estimate historical changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, biogenic emissions, terrestrial productivity and carbon sequestration in relation to biomass burning and land cover and land use changes. ISAM has also been used to study general ocean circulation patterns and ocean biogeochemistry.

Research is currently underway in the Jain group to provide integrated assessments of global climate change with particular emphasis on biofuel production, biogenic emissions, biomass burning, land cover and land use changes, and rising greenhouse gases.